Sunday, November 29, 2009

Yahoo Messenger Auto Response / Answer PM IM

If you are out of your computer and get some business to do, and you don’t want to sign out form Yahoo Messenger, you should try the Yahoo Tools called as YM Auto Response. This would make you able to send back any kin of Instant Message that come to your Yahoo Messenger account with some of pattern message. It’s works for Yahoo messenger 9.0 and 10. Some of the people said that this tool is like an answering machine.

This software has a name YMSG Autor Response. It has a feature to buzz before sending the message back automatically and buzz it again after sending the message, or you can choose only send the response without make a buzz. In order to use it, first you have to be logged in into your Yahoo Messenger in the normal way, then use this application and enjoy.

Download it


Munix™ said...

emm... looks nice actually

My Blog

Hanis said...

kalau tulisan tak kuar masa chat...
cm ner nak wat...?
dah reinstall byk kali tp xble pon...
sush nak chat sbb xdak history msj...
baca msj guna notification jew..

ym: anys_hazwanie