Monday, October 5, 2009

Yahoo Messenger Network Spy

These days I found an interesting application called IMMonitor Yahoo Messenger Spy 2.0. Because the name was so attractive, my curiosity pushed me to install it and test it a little bit. In its presentation they are saying that this tool is able to "Capture and Sniff AIM chat conversations on all computers in network,It is able to record conversations automatically in real time,And export all intercepted messages to HTML files".
I've noticed that this YM Spy is using WinPcap (for those who do not know what WinPcap is go here). From my experience I had some troubles with this WinPcap library because many applications are using it and of course you can have only one version at one time on your machine and each application I had required a different version of it. If an application didn't find the wanted version it crashed. Any way... skipping this small issue I was pleasant surprised that the tool is working well. Of course you can use it only in your LAN network. It has included a small IP scanner which will provide you a list with all online computers. From here you can select what computer would you like to spy. YMSpy is very easy to be configured. The setup section is not very complicated and is providing options like "Run the program on the Windows Startup","Start capturing when the program startup","Auto save logs when" (a date),"Auto save logs when shutdown computer" and my favorite option is to "Enable automatic E-Mailing of chat logs". Also in the configuration section you have the option to secure the application with a password so no one can try open it and do chances on it.

I recommend this application for those who are needing such software. You can download it from

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