Chat bots frequently invade Yahoo chat rooms via the messenger and are sometimes a pain in the neck, although they can be fun at other times. If you use programs like AdBot4 Direct, Yahoo Responder Bot 2.2 or the software created by Ondoher, a Yahoo chat bot for Yahoo messenger is quick and simple to create. The process only takes a few minutes, and in no time you can be introducing your conversational chat bot to a variety of Yahoo chat rooms.
1 Download a responding Yahoo bot program, such as Adbot4, which is an automatic responder bot that can be modified to cooperate with a variety of words and phrases.
2 Unpack the Adbot4 zip file.
3 Click the Adbot4 application and allow it to load.
4 Click the setup or creation tab to set up your bot. A small browser will prompt you to create a Yahoo Messenger, or Y!Msgr, ID and password for the bot. Click "Finish" once the ID and password are created.
5 Locate and click the conversation or dialog tab. A double paned text window will load showing command options on one side and a blank space on the other. The window with text commands will guide you through creating unique and accurate responses to general phrases, words and questions that are used in Yahoo chat rooms.
6 Click the "Finish" tab and then log in via the "Sign on" button on the bottom of the applet. The bot will be online on Yahoo Messenger. To see the bot's online status, add its screen name to your own Yahoo Messenger buddy list.
7 Choose a Yahoo chat room from the available drop-down list on the bot's applet, and click to enter the chat room. You can enter the chat room with your own ID via your Yahoo Messenger to monitor the bot's interactions with chatters and other Yahoo bots.