Tuesday, June 22, 2010

For Developers - Login to Yahoo Messenger - Step 2

Generating the Signature

The most complex parameter is the signature sig. The signature verifies that the request came from your application and helps prevent replay attacks.

Although constructing the signature might seem daunting, all the components are easy to obtain. The basic algorithm for generating the signature and the URL is:

$appid = "i%3DB%26p%3DUw70JGIdHWVRbpqYItcMw--"; 
$token = "AKEaFUMk4BdbBcgMARGMFIjSrUWESUw70JGIdHWVRbpqYItcMw--";
$ts = time(); 
$secret = "a34f389cbd135de4618eed5e23409d34450"; 
$sig = md5("/WSLogin/V1/wspwtoken_login?appid=$appid&
$url = "https://api.login.yahoo.com/WSLogin/V1/wspwtoken_login?

Note that the shared secret is used to hash the URL and create the sig parameter, but it is not a query parameter itself. When hashing the URL, you append the shared secret without any sort of &secret=.
For a more general approach to signing URLs, refer to the example PHP function described under Constructing the Login URL.

Monday, June 21, 2010

For Developers - Login to Yahoo Messenger - Step 1

Retrieving the User's Credentials

When Yahoo! redirects the user from the Yahoo! login page to your endpoint URL, the URL includes a token parameter. This token is valid for fourteen days, and represents the user's willingness to allow you to make web service calls on their behalf. 

The next step is to retrieve the auth cookie and the WSSID, which comprise the credentials you need to make authenticated web service calls. When retrieving credentials, try to make the call in a manner that does not interrupt the user experience. 

To retrieve the WSSID and auth cookie, make a request to the URL https://api.login.yahoo.com/WSLogin/V1/wspwtoken_login with these parameters: 

Field Description
appid The application ID, which identifies the developer and the application. Obtained during initial application registration. You must pass this parameter in both the query string and your application's User-Agent.
ts The timestamp in seconds as measured from Jan 1, 1970 GMT. To make sure that your clock is in sync with Yahoo! servers, use the Network Time Protocol Daemon (ntpd).
token The token returned by the user from the Yahoo! login server.
sig An MD5 hash of a carefully constructed relative URL:
  • A login path (/WSLogin/V1/wspwtoken_login), plus
  • Your application ID (?appid=id), plus
  • The user's token, (&token=token), plus
  • The timestamp (&ts=seconds), plus
  • Your shared secret (secret).

Friday, June 11, 2010

Yahoo Booter 2010: Raid Version XVIII

Raid 18 has been completely overhauled and done from scratch with Delphi instead of Visual Basic.

This vastly improves performance and speed and cuts memory usage.

I cut back on the number of booting options because, simply put, I wanted to add the options that
actually work these days. Quality over quantity so to speak.

The account locker was made for the sole purpose of yahoo messenger. In testing, I was able to
successfully lock my personal yahoo account out of messenger for 12 hours with lock option

1. Lock option 2 worked about 50% of the time as it is a completely different method than
option 1.

Now to the yahoo client boot options...

Client Boot 1 is for any client NOT logged into the 102 protocol, and can also be used for yahoo messenger

As you will notice, I added the ability to boot the old way and to boot using charge/release for every boot
option. This was vitally important to Client Boot 2. For  Y!supra 102, I  recommend open 2 instances of
Raid and loading around 200 bots in one and 200 in another. In one, charge the client boot 2 option(Dont release yet).

In the other one, just use the regular boot with client boot 2 and send 1000+ packets. Now while that one
is booting the victim, hit release on the other instance. If you have a high enough internet connection
speed, this will fill the victim's buffer and they will get disconnected. This method will work on any client
that uses the 102 protocol. The key is filling the victim's buffer.

IMPORTANT: If you are getting banned easily, SLOW YOUR LOG IN DELAY DOWN TO AT LEAST 2000 MS!!!

Download Yahoo Booter 2010:  Raid Version XVIII

Monday, June 7, 2010

Chat within Yahoo! Mail

Did you know that Yahoo! Messenger offers you more ways than one to stay connected with your friends? In addition to our fabulous instant messaging client, we worked with our friends at Yahoo! Mail on integrating chat which allows you to have zippy, real-time communication with your friends and family without having to leave your Yahoo! Mail inbox.

Email is great. It’s much faster than snail mail, and you usually get a response sooner than later. But, have you ever been writing an email wishing that you could have instant communication with your contact without picking up the phone? You can with Yahoo! Mail’s chat feature. Chat lets you and your contact exchange messages in “real time”, meaning “right now”, and all while using Yahoo! Mail and without having to download an instant messenger application. (And it’s free!)
Picture this. You have an urgent question regarding flight times for this evening. The only way you can reach your friend is through email. While typing your message, you notice that your friend is online. Instead of sending the email, you convert your message into chat, ask your question, and receive an immediate response. No worries!
Your contact must have a Yahoo! ID or a Windows Live™ Messenger ID and must be signed in to either Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo! Messenger, or another compatible instant messaging program.
So, let’s just repeat the highlights and get you chatting!
  • Chat lets you communicate with your contacts in real time so that you receive instant replies.
  • Use Yahoo! Mail chat without downloading additional software.
  • Convert an email message or text message in progress to a chat message—and vice versa.
  • Use chat to communicate with all of your Yahoo! and Windows Live contacts. All they need is to sign into Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo! Messenger, or another instant messaging program.
Staying connected has never been this easy!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Yahoo Messenger Cheat Sheet: Advanced IM Commands

Quick listing of Yahoo IM command codes.

/help calls up the help file
/cls clears the screen
/save saves the current chat session transcript
/leave exits current room
/join roomname joins roomname
/goto username joins the chat room that username is currently in
/follow username user will follows username whenever the user changes rooms
/think text posts text in this format “oO(text)”
/tell username text — allows you to send a text to username with opening a window
/invite username invites username to the current room
/webcam starts your webcam
/version displays the program version
/version username sends the program version to username
/time shows the time
/roll number rolls the number of dice
/logoff closes the client
/ignore add username will add username to your ignore list
/ignore remove username will remove username from your ignore list